Wellness Coaching Secrets

Wellness Coaching Secrets

It’s NOT hard…

So, for the last five or so years I have coached clients to lose hundred of pounds. Basically they have all followed the same meal plan, of course it is specific to the individual with amounts and timing. I am about to disclose some of my secrets; are you ready? Here is a meal plan outline:

Breakfast: Shake

Snack: whole food 

Lunch: Shake

Snack: whole food 

Dinner: colorful, whole food, high protein

For faster results I suggest to switch lunch and dinner. So you would have a larger meal at lunch time and a shake for dinner. But the honest truth is most people struggle with a shake at dinner due to things like family meal time, wanting to snack on junk after the shake (they feel they can justify this, but it just not so!) And they have feelings of deprivation (never a good thing.) Honestly, it’s ALL mindset! And you MUST be ready for a life style change. 

With this meal plan I lost 15lbs, then got pregnant! I kept this same exact meal plan while pregnant; I only gained a healthy 35lbs (baby was perfect at 8lbs.) My previous pregnancies, I had gained 80lbs each; I knew what was possible. Then at 7 months post pregnancy I was in my jeans and exclusively breastfeeding. So, Yes! I totally believe in this process. 

If you are TRUELY ready for a lifestyle change and READY to take those first steps in feeling your best… reach out! You can also take the FREE wellness assessment on the webpage.